IV. BCMath Arbitrary Precision Mathematics Functions

For arbitrary precision mathematics PHP offers the Binary Calculator which supports numbers of any size and precision, represented as strings.

In PHP 4, these functions are only available if PHP was configured with --enable-bcmath. In PHP 3, these functions are only available if PHP was not configured with --disable-bcmath.

Note: Due to changes in the licensing, the BCMATH library is distributed separate from the standard PHP source distribution. You can download the tar-gzipped archive at the url: http://www.php.net/extra/number4.tar.gz. Read the file README.BCMATH in the PHP distribution for more information.

Table of Contents
bcadd -- Add two arbitrary precision numbers
bccomp -- Compare two arbitrary precision numbers
bcdiv -- Divide two arbitrary precision numbers
bcmod --  Get modulus of an arbitrary precision number
bcmul -- Multiply two arbitrary precision number
bcpow --  Raise an arbitrary precision number to another
bcscale --  Set default scale parameter for all bc math functions
bcsqrt --  Get the square root of an arbitrary precision number
bcsub --  Subtract one arbitrary precision number from another