
(PHP 3>= 3.0.6, PHP 4 >= 4.0.0)

xml_set_notation_decl_handler -- set up notation declaration handler


int xml_set_notation_decl_handler ( int parser, string handler)

Sets the notation declaration handler function for the XML parser parser. handler is a string containing the name of a function that must exist when xml_parse() is called for parser.

A notation declaration is part of the document's DTD and has the following format:
     name {systemId |
See section 4.7 of the XML 1.0 spec for the definition of notation declarations.

The function named by handler must accept five parameters: handler ( int parser, string notationName, string base, string systemId, string publicId)


The first parameter, parser, is a reference to the XML parser calling the handler.


This is the notation's name, as per the notation format described above.


This is the base for resolving the system identifier (systemId) of the notation declaration. Currently this parameter will always be set to an empty string.


System identifier of the external notation declaration.


Public identifier of the external notation declaration.

If a handler function is set to an empty string, or FALSE, the handler in question is disabled.

TRUE is returned if the handler is set up, FALSE if parser is not a parser.

Note: Instead of a function name, an array containing an object reference and a method name can also be supplied.