menu_banner (2K)

mnu_control(upd3) - Update Menu Control data

mnu_control(upd3) (26K)

This function allows the contents of the CONTROL table of the menu database to be reviewed and changed if necessary. It is equivalent to a configuration file which can contain the settings for numerous different options. The current options are:

Field List
Field NameTypeDescription
Default Language String Required. Used to define the default language to be used by the internationalisation feature.
Login Type String Required. Identifies if the LOGON screen is to use user_id or email_address to identify the user.
Authentication? string This identifies the authentication method. Options are:
  • Internal - user password is held in the MENU database
  • A RADIUS server, which allows One-Time Passwords (OTP) and Two Token Authentication (TTA).
  • An LDAP server, which allows One-Time Passwords (OTP) and Two Token Authentication (TTA).
  • An AWS Application Load Balancer, which allows Single Sign-On (SSO).
  • SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) - user password is held in the MENU database
SSL Cipher Method string Shows the cipher methods which are available with SSL encryption. Required if authentication is 'SSL', otherwise non-editable.
Password Encryption? Boolean This option defines how user passwords will be stored in the menu database:
  • NO - as plain text (not secure).
  • YES - encrypted (more secure, especially when authentication is 'SSL').

Only valid if Authentication is 'Internal' or 'SSL'.

Whenever this value is changed all the records on the USER table will be updated accordingly.

If it is ever required to change the encryption mechanism the following procedure is advised:

  • Update all existing passwords from encrypted to plain text.
  • Change the encryption mechanism.
  • Update all existing passwords from plain text to encrypted.
Password Change String Required. This has the following options:
  • At Random - The user can change his password whenever he likes, not when the system tells him to.
  • After 'n' logons - The user must change his password after passing through the logon screen 'n' times, where 'n' is specified in password_count below.
  • After 'n' days - The user must change his password 'n' days after the previous change, where 'n' is specified in password_days below.
Password Count Integer Optional. Only relevant when password_change above is set to 'n' logons.
Password Days Integer Optional. Only relevant when password_change above is set to 'n' days.
Password Retries Integer Optional. If set to a non-zero value a logon attempt with an invalid password can have this number of retries before the user's record on the menu database is marked as disabled.
Password Warning Integer Optional. If password_change is set to 'logons' or 'days' this is the number of logons/days warning that will be given before a user's current password will expire. Any message will be generated during the logon process and shown on the MENU screen.
Force Change? Boolean If this is set to Yes then whenever a user's password is reset using Reset User Password this will force that user to change it to a new value of his choice at his next logon.

If set to No then the policy for changing passwords will be governed by the setting for password_change above.

Only valid if Authentication is 'Internal' or 'SSL'.

Format: Minimum length Integer Required. This specifies the minimum length for all new user passwords. Default value is 4.

Only valid if Authentication is 'Internal' or 'SSL'.

Format: Maximum length Integer Required. This specifies the maximum length for all new user passwords. Default value is 16. Maximum value is 40.

This cannot be less than the sum of Upper case chars + Lower case chars + Number of digits + Number of special chars.

Only valid if Authentication is 'Internal' or 'SSL'.

Key Format Integer Required. The identifies the format of the generated encryption key or "salt". Higher values use a more complex format. Default value is Format #1.

Only valid if Authentication is 'Internal' or 'SSL'.

Format: Upper case chars Integer Optional. This identifies the minimum number of uppercase characters that a new password must contain.

Only valid if Authentication is 'Internal' or 'SSL'.

Format: Lower case chars Integer Optional. This identifies the minimum number of lowercase characters that a new password must contain.

Only valid if Authentication is 'Internal' or 'SSL'.

Format: Number of digits Integer Optional. This identifies the minimum number of numeric digits that a new password must contain.

Only valid if Authentication is 'Internal' or 'SSL'.

Format: Number of special chars Integer Optional. This identifies the minimum number of non-alphanumeric characters [-!#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@[\\]^_{|}~] that a new password must contain.

Only valid if Authentication is 'Internal' or 'SSL'.

Pagination Width numeric This defines how the pagination area is displayed.
Scrolling Width numeric This defines how the scrolling area is displayed.
Shutdown Start Time Optional. This identifies the start of the time period during which all users (except those with global access) will be locked out of the system. This is to allow periods of down time for system maintenance or upgrades to be scheduled. Users who try to access the system during any shutdown period will not be able to progress beyond the logon screen.
Shutdown End Time Optional. This identifies the start of the shutdown period.
Shutdown Warning Time Optional. Anybody who accesses the system between this time and shutdown_start will receive a message warning them of the scheduled shutdown.
Shutdown Days Boolean Optional. This accompanies shutdown_start. This identifies the days on which the shutdown times are effective. Please refer to FAQ55 for more details.